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Let the Church Arise: Breakfast on the Beach


Dear Friends,

Oh, it seems like, on every blog, newsletter, magazine cover, and so on and so on, folks are talking about busyness, time spent, time lost, and how we invest our time in general. We don’t need to compete, shame, or challenge one another on how we spend time. Honestly, that is rarely inspiring or helpful. But rather, together we give space to and for one another as we celebrate that God gave us all the same 24 hours and calls us to pause and give thanks for the gift of this very day.

In our passage this Sunday, we will talk about a lovely passage from the Gospel of John 21:1-19. Jesus told this small group, “Come and have breakfast.” (v 12), meaning “come and spend time with me.” He invited them, in their own ways, to trust God to be with each of them in the everyday and the extraordinary moments of their lives. After the meal, he tells them to “Feed my sheep.” (v 17). Jesus doesn’t say some sheep; he says, “feed my sheep.” He ends his message with this invitation, “Follow me.” (v19)

In our busyness, in our calm, in our fear, in our burdens, in our joys, and in our every ordinary day and the extraordinary ones too, God is with us! This is our very Good News!

I invite you to make the time this Saturday (rain or shine) and join the Mental Health Advocacy Team as they walk for NAMI (see more information at the bottom of this message).

I want to thank Pastor Tim, our amazing team of adult youth leaders, tech and praise team for a year of heart-soaring Wednesday Youth Night Worship. Thank you to our parents for keeping WYN on the family calendar! Today, with arms raised, arms around one another, loud noises, quiet moments, one last servant project and lots of sharing of highs and lows, we bid farewell to yet another amazing year together. Please go to our website and check out the summer Children, Youth and Family opportunities.

Pastor Katie

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