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It’s time for us to “Come Alive” again this weekend as a Christian community seeking to make signs of the resurrection evident within our personal lives and our life together!

As we do, I couldn’t help but be struck by a number of recent social media posts from individuals who are disgusted with the Bible. More specifically, they have declared that they are increasingly frustrated by those who “cherry-pick” scriptures verses to back up their particular stance or claim. Some have gone as far as saying that they are never going to open a Bible again!

Sadly, I can understand their reticence. I am disheartened to see how Scripture continues to be wielded as a weapon. Yet in that respect, I believe that we are blessed to be part of a tradition that has hopeful clarity to offer a world plagued by such tendencies. We have a lens through which to view the Scriptures in a way that helps to prevent or minimize examples of such abuse. It’s called… Jesus.

As we’ll explore in the sermon this Sunday, it isn’t that Jesus was completely objective in how he used the Hebrew Bible himself ; he did plenty of filtering and prioritizing as it turns out. But because of his living witness to the heart of our God, he helps us to understand why the Scriptures have authority in the first place and gives us a clear criteria (himself) for how we might read and use it in his wake. There’s lots to learn and appreciate! Join us this Sunday on-line.

Meanwhile, please know that our staff and teams are truly working hard to prepare for fellowship in-person (starting this Sunday morning from 9 to 10:30!) and worship in-person on April 25th. There is a lot to think through, plan for, and prepare. We appreciate your patience and understanding in the meantime!

We remind you to review the instructions elsewhere in this note for pre-registering for worship at 8:30 or 9:45, as we’ll need to limit the number of families we can accommodate safely at first. I strongly encourage you, if you are fully vaccinated, to sign up as a worship or hospitality assistant in one form or another as the roles have changed a bit. It will take many hands to gather safely. Help us make our community gathering a reality!

Sharing the Hope (and Work) of Resurrection!

Pastor Tim

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Dear Friends,

What have you noticed in the past few days that seems to have COME ALIVE?

· The grass or budding trees in your yard and neighborhood?

· You have attended an outdoor sporting event or a concert?

· Maybe you went outside in the warming spring air and spent time with family or friends for the first time in what seems like, forever.

In the past year collectively, I think it is fair to say we have longed for, ached for, grumbled at, or maybe survived a year of being inside and feeling a little less than, well, alive.

Recently, I experienced joy when I got my two vaccine shots! The vaccine clinic is like one big cheering section! They get it! This is hope. This is recovery. This is coming ALIVE.

But I want the fullness of the story, for it indeed gives me hope! I want to feel safe to share there have been times when I, maybe we, have been afraid, ill, worried, hurting, and missing our freedom, our family, and friends. We may have even asked, “God, where are you?”

In the Gospel of John 20:19-31, we hear the story of the disciples, the followers of Jesus in the very early church. On the evening of the Third Day, the Day we call Easter, they weren’t shouting for joy; they were afraid and locked in a room behind closed doors. Even after Mary runs to tell them that Jesus isn’t in the tomb and that Jesus has appeared to her and tells her “Don’t be afraid,“ they are terrified.

Then Jesus appears to them. They don’t ask anything of Jesus, and yet he knows what is most likely on their mind. Jesus shows them his hands and side. He says, “Peace be with you.”

We continue with this reading and the story of “Doubting Thomas.” Many of us were taught in Sunday School that the point of the story is simply, we shouldn’t be like Thomas we should believe in Jesus without having to “see Jesus” with our own eyes. I’m wondering what would happen if, instead of prohibiting questions, we experience the fullness of the story? What if we could allow ourselves to wonder, to think of our own journey of faith, and pause and remind ourselves and one another that it is a journey that goes on and on? How would our lives be if we opened up and shared that somedays we are hurting, fearful, and simply not feeling, well, not o.k? What if we believed this to be true: that our God, without skipping a beat, says, “Peace be with you?” In our passage, we hear that God loves us so much that God, once again, breathed into the disciples then and into us today.

I’m wondering, what if instead of titling this passage in scripture, “Doubting Thomas” it is titled, “Thomas is loved. Thomas is safe to ask questions. Thomas’ faith grows. Thomas’ heart is transformed, forever.” What if this chapter is about your own journey and it titled, “God has faith in you” or simply, “You are so loved by the God who made you, loved you first, and loves you forever?” How would that message fill your heart, so that you too, come alive?!

God’s embrace, mercy, and compassion are our sanctuary. We are beloved by God. We are made new each and every day. Our hearts are transformed. Oh, how lovely is it to “come alive!”

Blessings to you always,

Pastor Katie

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Holy Week Greetings from our entire staff, who have been working diligently with some truly hearty volunteers to make this season a rich and memorable one!

As we take time to ponder God’s faithfulness to us over the long season of this pandemic, I hope that we can approach these sacred days with a new sense of humility and appreciation. I know I need to! I invite you to join us a few remaining aspects of this week:

1) Good Friday Tenebrae virtual worship is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. tonight and will be available on demand via the website.

2) We will be offering the Holy Week Prayer Walk through three stations on site, focused on “Centering, Confessing, and Communing” using a self-guided approach between the hours of 4:00-8:00 p.m. tonight (April 2) and again from 9:00-10:00 a.m. tomorrow morning (April 3). If you’ve been yearning to experience Holy Communion in person, this is a great opportunity to do so!

3) A 20-minute Children’s video is available on our website that complements the kits that were hand-delivered last week. You can walk through the entire week’s events with your younger child. Take advantage of this resource featuring both of your pastors!

4) Festive EASTER worship celebrating the “Seventh Story” will be premiered on Facebook at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday! Be sure to savor this offering of choral music, fresh anthems, and some familiar faces this Sunday!

5) A short, informal fellowship time via Zoom is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. this Sunday immediately following the Premier of the Easter service on Facebook. Join us through this fellowship link.

6) Sign-up for our upcoming “Next Steps” series starting Monday, April 12, at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom is needed soon! Join Pastor Tim for three weeks of conversation exploring your questions, curiosities and stories of faith, even as you meet others and learn more about opportunities at Holy Trinity! E-mail me at to join in. You can find a link to the Next Steps sessions here.

We will soon be seeking individuals to sign up for additional worship assistant roles as we move back to limited in-person Sunday worship. Don’t be shy! Many hands will still be needed for us to do what we’d like to do and to be what we are called to be! Watch next week’s Friday E-blast for the details!

Sharing the Hope (and Work) of Resurrection!

Pastor Tim

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